Tuesday, December 11, 2018

Approch of People

Recent times have seen a wave of approach if people shifting in all parameters . The years from 2000 have not just seen a shift to the digital platform but with it the dependences towards this have also increased . Every growth and inclination comes with some odds and even from both point of view so being of the people as a part of the society or the approach towards various field .
Technology has undoubtly led us to think towards a new direction by not just keeping us touch in a way with people living far away and negatively finished that personal touch and associations as people chose to have way back for the purpose of interaction.
Love that once appeared as a matter of a lot of time so consumed us today just a click / swap away on the digital platform irrespective of its odds as well as even .
People have chosen to move smoothly with times but inability of the concerned authorities and government has not only led towards a systematic failure but also a rise in duty of the governments inability to safeguard people .
2014 had seen a growth with this as a turning point and revolution which got a jolt by the government concerbed with not so friendly approach and miss conduct done on people 
2018 end here gives a hint to the rise of another chance another change of the flow .
Herein also the approach of the people has shifted from sticking to work and of officers of major government departments to refusal to work and get work smoothly done hence creating a trouble in the society.
Also it was seen that the approach of some people towards judiciary turned into disrespect so being reflected in the entire legal professional giving a rise to fakism and ignorance . It must be remembered today that the country stands on 2 pillars the armed forces and legal if either or both are I'll treated it can lead to a collapse  
So when you decide you wish to see a change decide to be the positive change the society needs.

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